Alter Ego

Alter Ego (al·ter e·go) is defined as “a second self” “A different version” “The opposite side of a personality!”

Watching an Alter Ego show is all that and more.

They create an artist’s interpretation of the greatest Rock and Roll Bands in the history of music!

What makes up the phenomenon that is Alter Ego Montreal?

  • 5 beautiful and talented female singers and dancers
  • 2 equally talented male … great vocalists in their own right
  • Add 3 of the best musicians Canada has to offer
  • Gorgeous costuming
  • Non-stop choreography
  • Every song … taken off the Billboard #1 chart toppers

… and you have Alter Ego! A show that must be seen to be believed!

“Amazing!” “Unbelievable!” “Couldn’t stop watching!” “Danced for 2 hours straight!” “Rocked all night long!” These are the comments that follow each and every Alter Ego show!!


Alter Ego

Alter Ego (al·ter e·go) is defined as “a second self” “A different version” “The opposite side of a personality!”

Watching an Alter Ego show is all that and more.

They create an artist’s interpretation of the greatest Rock and Roll Bands in the history of music!

What makes up the phenomenon that is Alter Ego Montreal?

  • 5 beautiful and talented female singers and dancers
  • 2 equally talented male … great vocalists in their own right
  • Add 3 of the best musicians Canada has to offer
  • Gorgeous costuming
  • Non-stop choreography
  • Every song … taken off the Billboard #1 chart toppers

… and you have Alter Ego! A show that must be seen to be believed!

“Amazing!” “Unbelievable!” “Couldn’t stop watching!” “Danced for 2 hours straight!” “Rocked all night long!” These are the comments that follow each and every Alter Ego show!!

  1. Ojai, CA

    (805) 646-8433

  2. Beverly Hills, CA

    (310) 550-6132

  3. New York NY

    (646) 378-2204